On October 27, 2018 a day that turned dark due to Robert G. Bowers entering in the Tree of Life Synagogue killing 11 people and left 6 others injured. He had stormed into the Synagogue with an AR-15, a Glock, and two other handguns and began spraying bullets into the crowd of people. Bowers was charged with 29 criminal counts which included obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs, hate crime, using a firearm to commit murder, 11 counts of criminal homicide, 6 counts of aggravated assault and lastly 13 counts of ethnic intimidation. Bowers frequently was posting anti-Semitic content all over his social media accounts. For Bowers it was as simple as walking into the synagogue and leaving their place of worship the most horrific crime scene. Fast forward a few years now April 2023 the death penalty trail has begun for Robert Bowers.

See Video Below:

How ADS Can Help:

Our mission is saving lives and protecting those in harms way. This is why we created Security Film and Security Doors to help prevent these mass shootings from happening. It was far too easy for Bowers to walk into that building, something in which needs to be prevented. With our Level 3 Security Film the “Bullet Resistant” cannot be penetrated, even with our Level 2 it would not stop a bullet but it also would prevent the window itself from shattering and allowing the aggressor walking in. We even could pair it with our Security Doors that are also Bullet Resistant and have passed the 15 minute breach test. You can guarantee that within 15 minutes of an individual trying to break in Law Enforcement would already be there taking away the aggressor. This is our goal to ensure that the aggressor cannot get inside and fulfill a heinous crime keeping all those who are inside safe and away from any danger.

Crime is on the rise, don’t be a victim be prepared. Start planning now.