In Southern California, a disturbing trend has emerged where burglary gangs are planting cameras in residents’ yards to spy on them. These cameras, often disguised with leaves, are aimed at homes to monitor the occupants’ movements and identify the best times to break in. This tactic has been noted in various areas, including Temecula and Chino Hills.

Law enforcement officials believe these gangs are composed of individuals from South America who enter the U.S. on tourist visas but actually intend to burglarize homes. The Glendale Police Department discovered the extent of this surveillance strategy when they arrested four Colombian men and found a camera in their possession. These men were part of a task force operation addressing the rise in break-ins.

Residents have been urged to check their yards for hidden devices. Some burglaries have already occurred using this method, including a significant theft in Santa Ana where a camera was used to monitor a business owner’s home.

The investigation is ongoing, with various law enforcement agencies collaborating to address this new threat.

How American Defense Can Help:

In today’s world, securing your home is more important than ever, and American Defense is here to assist. Our ADS Defender™ Security Film strengthens your windows, effectively deterring intruders from gaining access through them. With three different levels of strength we will help go through your home with you and provide our professional opinion on where the weakest points are, click here for more information. In addition, installing a dependable alarm system is essential for protecting your home while you’re away. Begin fortifying your home with our solutions and make it a less appealing target for potential threats.



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